......please share this with all of our prayer warriors!
I normally get
and read the local newspaper at my daughter's house (we babysit our great
grandaughter while everyone goes to work) ...but this week our
granddaughter is off due to her work force one week vacation time. So I had to
go to my Father's house (he is 92 years old! God always blessed him!) And
get his newspaper to enjoy reading our local paper. I happen to read
Thursday July 31, 2014 in the Annie's Mailbox in the Leisure
Advice Section... And I was so blessed and yelling to God/Jesus/Holy
Spirit how G R E A T and P O W E R F U L in the work
that They (God/Jesus/Holy Spirit) have done....Bless this Pastor using his
authority of God's Holy Words! Enjoy reading this article from
Annie's Mailbox!
Annie's Mailbox
- Dear Annie:
Can I add one
more story to the replies to "Frustrated
with Noise" about children crying in church? Many years ago, my family
and I attended a large church in Groton, Conn. It was always packed
to capacity. Sitting in front of us was another family with small
children. As soon as the service started, the child who was sitting on his
parent's lap started screaming demonically. I had never heard any human being
scream that loudly. Neither parents made any attempt to quiet the child. They
sat there like petrified stone.
The child
continued screaming as the preacher attempted to give his sermon. Even though he was
using a microphone, he could not override the child's screaming. Suddenly,
the preacher said in a booming voice: "In the name of Jesus Christ, I command you to be quiet!" The
child stopped screaming instantaneously, and we didn't hear a peep out of
him for the rest of the service. - C.
I praise the
Lord for this person "C" for writing this experience and sharing to
all who will read "C's" comments. Let us go out with the Word of
God and WIN this WAR with the devil and his evil workers. May God/Jesus/Holy
Spirit be praised forever and ever because Satan's head was kicked so big and strong by the Name of Jesus
Christ and by testimony of "C" in the Annie's Mailbox
Go Forth with
Power of Jesus' Name!
Sister Karen
Peoria, Illinois
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